Burning Instructions:

The first time you burn the candle, allow the wax to melt across the entire diameter of the candle. Normally this will take about 1-2 hours. This helps prevent tunneling, which can impact how well the candle burns. Make sure you trim the wick to 1/8"-1/4” before every single new burn. Your candle will last longer and produce less soot if you follow these guidelines.

Please heed the following concerning general candle safety:
  • If you notice a large flame during burning, blow out the candle and trim the wick before relighting the candle.

  • Never leave a burning candle unattended.

  • Place burning candle on heat resistant surface and keep out of drafts.

  • Never move a candle while hot or burning.

  • Blow out the candle if jar becomes excessively hot.

  • Keep out of reach of children and away from pets.

Candle Burning Instructions